

That part of yourself

Which you disdain most of all

What are they like?

We are light in human form

And much like light

We are refracted into different hues

Of emotion and personality

All encompassed in one ball of energy

The sum is all of its parts

But why is it that we shun certain aspects

Deemed unworthy by society

And why do we blame society

When we are very much apart of it

Is there not an exalted form

Of every trait and tendency

Such as for me it is


To those who call me lazy

To those who call me a dreamer

Do you ever stop to listen to

The melodies of silence?

There are other worlds worth exploring

If you just listen to the void

Why can’t I just sit in nature

Listen to the birds hum to each other

And the coursing river flow

The wind racing through the leaves of trees

A simple delight

You call me a dreamer

I say I’m a believer

In what you call the impossible

Because I am patient enough to hear

The call of their voices

Why worry until it is necessary

And then you’ll know the best course of action

But to run around endlessly

Without taking time to appreciate

Every drop of rain

Every ray of sun

Every tender kiss from my lover

Every beat in a song

Every laugh from a child

Every whisper in my ear

From the spirits I feel all around

You would never feel the outer world

If you are too busy

I am in no hurry to succeed

For I know that it’ll come to me

If I keep peace of mind and heart

I would rather walk through fields of flowers

Than droves of stressed souls on a busy city street

I would rather lay in bed and ponder other realities

That sit in mind numbing business meetings

The world is more beautiful when

You slow down and appreciate

But all I hear is get off your ass

For all they can see is the lowest form

Of this otherwise virtuous trait

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