Halfway Decent


I’m not much of a drinker

But a beer every now and then

Some sake, courvoisier on the rocks

Makes me feel like Hemingway

Few times have I embraced the art

Of word creation and manipulation

Whilst in this state

Aye, this drink from Holland be fine

If I were to travel there

I’d doubt I’d catch myself fiddling

With said mind twister for

There is a more natural twister

I’d rather take a ride on

Nonetheless, this be fine too

In moderation is key I see

But to those who take life too seriously

Those blinded by their

Autonomous mechanations for a system

That cares not for broken parts

Of which we are all dilapidated

To those seeking to find the

True spark that makes them them

Remember that this is but mere experience

That will be corrected in the end

So destroy your definitions

Every once in a while

Set them ablaze and watch them crumble

Under the pressure of your free will

Nothing wrong with dancing every now and then

On streets you’d rarely visit

Such as I, for I find

That I can write with this beer in hand

Shoot, this poem may actually be

Halfway decent

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